Henrietta Lacks, who died in 1951, was instrumental in some of the most significant medical advancements of the 20th century. Even today, long after her death, Lacks’s DNA…
We want to be in the public eye; we all want to be heard. We’ve gone from shock-talk shows like “Jerry Springer” to dating shows like “The Bachelor.” Now we’ve added social media.…
Social media have become the go-to means for individuals and groups to organize and connect in the 21st century. So, what is known about who is using which platforms to document…
It isn’t certain how huge limestone blocks were transported to the sites of the pyramids nor how they were raised into place. Several recent archaeological discoveries do make a…
Multiple countries plan to return humans to the Moon more than half a century since American astronauts landed there. These plans include intriguing opportunities for advances in…
Words shape how we think and view the world. We often believe the words we’ve inherited from scientific achievements are accurate pictures of how things are, but a lot of…
Fifty years ago, paleontologists discovered the 3.2 million-year-old skeleton of a diminutive ancestor of modern humans who towers over our understanding of human origins. They…
In 25 years, emojis have grown from 176 characters to about 4,000, reflecting the demand for more diverse and expressive symbols in digital communication. The future of these…
You probably don’t think once, let alone twice, about checking your email while waiting in line or backing up a file in the cloud. But from the transistor to the smartphone,…
Have an idea for a new, unprecedented emoji? The process of adding an emoji to the Unicode Standard involves conceptualization, proposal submission, review, and final approval. If…
Feathers, beaks, and small sizes are all significant adaptations some early dinosaurs developed that allowed those creatures to survive mass extinction events in Earth’s history.…
Bridges have been integral in the history of humankind, enabling us to go places that would otherwise take days to reach. They have a positive impact on the communities they…
People have been thinking about nothing for a very long time. From Parmenides in the 5th century BCE to elementary school children today, everybody has something to say about…
Human activities have only recently been considered catalysts of seismic activity. If humans are not careful, our methods of extracting natural resources and our growing…
Plastic recycling is a waste of energy, resources, and, especially, vision. For every pound of plastic that is successfully recycled, between 90 and 95 pounds of pernicious…
Generation Z, born between 1995 and 2010, has been shaped by the looming specter of climate disaster, increased political polarization, and the Coronavirus pandemic. What does the…
Gen Z is tech-savvy, socially aware, and strives for authenticity. They also face significant mental health challenges, including anxiety, depression, and stress, due to social…
Before the invention of the hot air balloon, humanity's dreams of flying were relegated to the stuff of legend. Building on centuries of compounded knowledge, the Montgolfier…
NASA has launched a space race among U.S. companies to be the first with a presence in lower Earth orbit or the first since 1972 to land humans on the Moon. Could a ‘space…
In January 1967, the inherent dangers of the manned space program were brought into horrifying focus when three American astronauts died in a flashfire during a test on the…
When Deep Blue won a game against chess great Garry Kasparov, everyone wondered if human intelligence had finally met its match. But are intelligent machines really . . .…
AI promises to revolutionize just about every industry in the world. Even as its creations become widespread, concerns have been raised about how it uses human art. What are the…
Space between star systems and galaxies is immense and, in some places, nearly empty. But, does interstellar space meet the definition of a “perfect vacuum”? The quirks of quantum…
The James Webb Space Telescope has produced paradigm-shattering evidence about the universe from just 300 million years after the Big Bang. Though some are predicting the end of…
Ada Lovelace was a 19th-century woman a century ahead of her time. Well-versed in advanced mathematics, her friendship with inventor Charles Babbage allowed her to envision a…
One of the axioms for the search for life beyond the Earth has been “follow the water.” Perhaps scientists should broaden that to include frozen water, or ice, as recent…
In 2022, history was made when an image of the supermassive black hole at the center of our Milky Way galaxy was released. Even more momentous, the discovery confirmed the…
The night’s sky has always twinkled with stars, planets, and the occasional comet. Since they came into view, Jupiter’s moons have changed our understanding of the Solar System…
Soon, astronauts will return to the Moon, and then on to Mars. In the future, humans may travel farther still to an exoplanet beyond our Solar System. The challenges are daunting,…
Cutting-edge technologies are providing scientists with a deepening understanding of the universe. A new MagellanTV original series brings these advances to light.
New technologies are later understood to have had a huge impact on history. Two related inventions, the vacuum tube and the electric microphone, utterly transformed modern life,…
Can you imagine a world without GPS, handheld electronics, and services like online banking and online dating? Our current tech-heavy world is heavily dependent on these advances…
The James Webb Space Telescope launched at the end of 2021 and, since it reached its target destination, has graced observers on Earth with amazing images of objects from the…
We’ve had a fraught relationship with money for millennia. Money both reflects and determines value, and it’s often difficult to distinguish the two. Perhaps thinking about the…
Some of us are excited about the possibility of conscious computers, while others among us recoil in horror at the notion. But what does it mean to say that a computer could be…
There are, unfortunately, numerous extinction-level threats to Earth, but one for which we’re conspicuously unprepared is impact by an asteroid. However, many scientists are…
Saturn was visible to our ancestors, but its rings weren’t seen until Galileo took a look. The rings are made from remnants of moons, asteroids, and comets. Now, we wonder why it…
Is Pluto a planet? Astronomers agreed in 2006 to rename it a “dwarf planet.” But planetary scientists disagree. They say its status as a planet should never have been changed.…
Our unconscious mind controls many of our actions and our thoughts. But science-backed methods of influencing our brain, such as meditation and visualization, can put us back in…
Worldwide, there’s been a significant shift away from ordinary tap water to bottled, even though many bottles are filled from the same sources as our taps. Learn how you can…
Charles Darwin is remembered as the father of evolutionary theory, but he wasn’t alone in arguing for the crucial role of natural selection. A lesser known colleague joined him in…
Are we alone in the Universe? Many people wonder if we’ll ever encounter an intelligence from beyond our planet. Space science organizations are searching our galaxy to uncover…
The Dark Web is a part of the Deep Web that allows users to be totally anonymous. It’s known for being a locus of illicit activities, and is also at the center of an ethical…
Though ancient Greek philosophers like Aristotle and Epicurus are far removed from the present day, let’s not underestimate their thinking on the nature of the Universe – and…
Modern storms are growing increasingly devastating, fueled by climate change. While some anti-storm measures already exist, the need for new solutions on larger scales is only…
The aurora has inspired countless myths and legends for thousands of years, but scientists only recently were able to prove how it actually forms. Let’s take a deep dive into the…
Theoretical physicist Jim Al-Khalili, host of dozens of fascinating and informative documentaries, sits down for an interview with MagellanTV to discuss his new series on…
The story of life on Earth is one of triumph, but also loss. Going back in time we can examine five mass extinction events that changed evolution through destruction, killing off…
Hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD, DMT, and psilocybin are known for their mind-expanding effects, and they have potential for treating some of the trickiest mental afflictions…
Things are going wrong in space and on Earth. The Arecibo radio telescope imploded on itself. The Hubble Space Telescope, in orbit, stopped functioning for a month. And we’re all…
Toumai, Ardi, and Lucy are ancient fossils that have changed our understanding of humanity’s origins, challenging early perspectives on how primates might have evolved into humans…
Asteroids loom large in our imagination: An encounter with one could wipe out all life. They hold clues to the origins of our Solar System, yet space speculators seek to exploit…
With $304 million lost due to dating scams in 2020, it’s increasingly common to be fooled by fraud on the Internet. Due to a large number of “catfish” on the Web, it’s important…
Over the ages, great discoveries and useful instruments have been lost and forgotten. There are persistent mysteries in the archeological record and medieval texts that…
Nerds may be introspective but that doesn’t mean they won’t make daring thieves. Black hat hackers use their computer knowledge to steal credit card numbers. Surprisingly they…
Black holes were once thought of as an oddity arising out of Einstein’s relativity. Now they play major roles in movies like Interstellar. Among their magical properties is the…
In the United States and elsewhere, chicken is the most popular meat. There are billions of chickens all around the world. Let’s dig in for a delightful – and delectable – ride…
Aerial photography was a part of war for 150 years. But aerial photos have aided land use studies and transformed archeology. Now aerial cameras find ancient cities once lost in…
Galileo was a philosopher, experimental physicist, and astronomer. Did you know he invented and sold a multi-function calculating device? He also cleverly used geometry to analyze…
Small or large, in liquid or in gas, bubbles are crucial structures of the natural world. The study of how they form and what they do has led to amazing advances across different…
Astrophysicists have laid out ages that define the duration of our universe, from the opening moments of the Big Bang through our current era to the endpoint of everything, when…
Nazi data scientists provided Hitler statistics about the “undesirables” in the German Volk. For the Reich, mass murder became a big data problem solved with the help of the then…
Amazing discoveries about the universe arrive almost daily. But it took centuries of astronomical observation, extensive data collection, and constant repair of faulty models of…
As we look ahead to NASA’s return to the Moon, it’s a good time to consider how far we’ve come. An earlier generation of rocket scientists made possible humankind's first giant…
Comfort foods offer many (psychological, if not physical) benefits. The dopamine release made possible by these foods confers rewards like pleasure, stress relief, and warm…
Machines that think have long been the goal of artificial intelligence (AI) researchers. While today’s AI and machine-learning software has made impressive progress, it’s far from…
Libraries have been around for more than 2000 years. And so has the problem of organizing and searching written knowledge. While Google’s search is impressive, it owes much to the…
Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring sounded the warning that DDT was decimating critical insect populations. Today, habitat destruction, climate change, and new pesticides have…
The Pentagon just confirmed three UFO sightings, but humans have been reporting UFOs for a long time. From Roswell and beyond, here’s a glimpse into the world of the flying…
Since the beginning of human history, people have been fighting off diseases and epidemics. Our current struggle against COVID-19 is yet another example, and it follows a familiar…
In documentaries exploring disorder in the universe, nothingness, and gravity, scientist Jim al-Khalili explains arcane and complex science topics to non-specialists. The joy and…
Climate change is impacting the basic systems of the planet. Shifts in temperatures and weather patterns around the globe are being set off by the rapid disappearance of polar sea…
Although our awareness of the deadly Ebola virus dates back only to about 2014, recorded viral transmission and deaths stretch back nearly 50 years, to at least 1972. Studying the…
Inspired by H. G. Wells’ World Brain concept, Google once tried to consolidate all the books in the world into one database. It failed—but what can it teach about the Internet and…
Lise Meitner played an instrumental role in the research that led to nuclear fission and, soon after, to the creation of the atomic bomb. But she had deep misgivings about her…
From science fiction to the reality of robotic wives and therapists, artificial intelligence and robots are evolving rapidly, developing the ability to communicate and maybe even…
Quantum physics is complex and fascinating. It also bears many similarities to certain religious philosophies. Could it help bridge the gap between science and faith?
Think you may have just felt an earthquake, or know for certain that you did? You’ll want quick information on the where and when of recent temblor activity. Here are some…
Dr. Hannah Fry is a renowned mathematician whose research offers a window into everything from personal success to love to algorithms. Let’s get to know her.
January 1 starts the new year in most parts of the world, but why is this so? How did the Western calendar develop, and what are the meanings of the months? We go back to the days…
The Shroud of Turin was thought to be Jesus’s burial cloth. Scientists called it a hoax – until their studies were critiqued. Now, the Shroud remains an enduring mystery that…
With 2.8 billion users, Facebook is a fact of life. Have you ever wondered exactly how it determines what information appears on your News Feed? The answer lies with algorithms ……
Gaming has become a large part of society, and billions of hours are being spent on gameplay around the world, each week. But is all this gaming good for you? New findings suggest…
One minus one is zero. Simple, right? This wasn’t always the case, as with Roman numerals. Here is the story of the long slog of our hero – the zero – to acceptance and,…
A battle of titans named Edison and Westinghouse sparked the invention of the supposedly humane electric chair. But how did Nikola Tesla’s promising discovery – alternating…
For Earth to foster life required many processes to happen in the right order and time. Had Earth formed elsewhere in our Solar System, it might not have been the beneficiary of…
Our great age of technology and scientific advancement is hardly the first. In ancient Alexandria, one great mind of that era, Hero, is responsible for several amazing mechanical…
The events of September 11, 2001, are seared into the memories of all who witnessed it, including the horrific spectacle of the twin towers’ collapse. Engineering allows us now to…
“Fly-by-Wire” requires extensive use of aviation software, which must be carefully evaluated to meet FAA safety standards. Recent crashes of Boeing 737 MAX aircraft raise the…
Our planet’s long-term health depends on moderating natural and human-made processes that lead to global warming and habitat destruction. Deforestation in Africa and elsewhere…
Apollo’s New Moon writer/director David Sky Brody discusses aspects of this MagellanTV original film, and the importance of the Apollo missions in revolutionizing knowledge about…
Working on the Moon was no walk in the park for the Apollo astronauts. From bulky space suits to toxic space dust, the challenges were many. But the astronauts overcame the…
Galileo is recognized as the first man to use a telescope to gaze at the stars and planets. But since then, his hand-constructed telescope and its advances have only made it more…
D-Day, June 6, 1944, was the culmination of intensive planning and the use of new inventions for the war. From dummy paratroopers to an entire floating harbor, these advances in…
The human brain is extraordinary, and the skills we learn as humans seem limitless. But what happens when a brain injury interrupts our everyday functions? Astonishingly enough,…
Lowering the birth rate may be the “magic bullet” for addressing current and future climate and population emergencies. But governments are not always in alignment with scientific…
Though it’s sometimes written off as New-Agey magic, sound healing is being used to treat many of humankind’s most challenging ailments. Intriguing studies have found that sound…
Humans appear to be on the verge of setting out in large numbers into space on commercial flights. Space visionaries are promoting these journeys as essential next steps for the…
New scientific discoveries unlock the secrets of hummingbird behavior and shine a light on how hummingbirds migrate, how and where they evolved, and how they stay aloft. The use…
Researchers into plant life are continually discovering amazing facts concerning plant adaptations and their ability to “sense” their surroundings. However, some botanists resist…
Research into homosexuality has led to interesting and sometimes surprising discoveries, as well as to previously unconsidered questions about the balance between nature and…
Have you met Jim al-Khalili? (You’re about to.) He is a UK-based theoretical physicist and also a talented interpreter of technical science for people like us – sort of a…
Effects of cyberbullying are pernicious, serious, and long-lasting. Half of all teens with Internet access report to researchers that they’ve been cyberbullied, but 90 percent of…
Find out how Apollo 11 and the manned moon missions that followed shaped the ongoing debate over moon formation theories, and how the first man to step on the moon played a part…
No less a thinker than the late Stephen Hawking sought to warn us that our time is running out on planet Earth. Humankind’s continued existence requires us to prepare for mass…
Is the human population growing? Yes. Will overpopulation eventually threaten our species? Some leading experts say, “No.” There are many worries about overpopulation, but…
The BMI, or “body mass index,” is a common method to assess body composition. But how accurate is it really, and can it be used to predict health outcomes based on its…
A Caltech team is on the hunt for hidden planets. Building on research first published in 2016, they amassed enough unsexy but compelling evidence to book time at the Subaru…
The Juno probe has revealed Jupiter's majestic weather patterns in amazing detail. But are Jupiter's colors really that dynamic? It turns out, no. But just because these images…
Conservationists are alarmed by masses of floating plastic garbage that endanger our oceans, including one they have dubbed the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch.” Finding new…
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