In February 2022, Vladimir Putin launched Russia military against its neighbor Ukraine in an unprovoked invasion. Learn significant details about the early months of the war in…
Historians Guy Walters and Lisa Pine present an engaging overview of the complicated history of Adolph Hitler’s rise to, and consolidation of, power. Follow events from the end of…
Six novice candidates vie for elected positions in government across the U.S. and at all levels. Watch how these newcomers find their voices as they struggle with the day-to-day…
In an era when “swift boating” of veterans aspiring to high political office is common, it is instructive to consider the extraordinary courage and dedication to public service of…
What happens when one’s monumental scientific achievement results in cataclysmic death? “Father of the bomb,” Robert Oppenheimer, was deeply troubled about the consequences of his…
For our monthly “Editor’s Choice” documentary, we turn our attention to a gripping view of three prominent African Americans – Muhammad Ali, Gordon Parks, and Malcolm X – who…
Sir David Attenborough has spent his life revealing the wonders of nature to millions of television viewers. Now, he has embarked on an urgent mission to help ensure the survival…
Are you ready to find out which titles were the most popular on MagellanTV in 2023? Here are the winners in our top categories: Space & Science, War & Military, History, True…
Cutting-edge technologies are providing scientists with a deepening understanding of the universe. A new MagellanTV original series brings these advances to light.
The year is at its end, and the numbers are in! These were the most popular MagellanTV documentaries and series of 2022 in seven categories: True Crime, History, Space, Nature,…
Debuting a century ago, documentary films employed the newest camera systems to bring startling views of the world to their audiences. Today’s digital technology has allowed…
We’ve reviewed MagellanTV’s ever-growing library of documentaries, and the data is in! Let’s take a look at the best of 2021, with winners and runners-up in True Crime,…
MagellanTV recently announced the launch of a new global linear streaming service called MagellanTV Now on VIZIO TV’s WatchFree+ lineup, among other platforms. Here's why, and how…
This year’s picks for Best Stunning Visuals; War and Military; Science, Tech, and Space; History; and True Crime documentaries are in! Here are the best documentaries streamed…
Are you looking for a new series to binge-watch during quarantine? MagellanTV’s got you covered. From medical discoveries to paranormal mysteries to the wildest places on Earth,…
With 2019 coming to an end, the team at MagellanTV reflected back on all of our viewers’ favorite documentaries. History, war, nature, and beyond – you’ve streamed a lot. But…
Read on for an insider look into new features on the drawing board for MagellanTV, and help guide our 2020 objectives with this month’s Producer Circle update.
Christmas is just around the corner, and our in-house Grump has some observations and reminiscences he wants to get off his chest – along with a few recommendations of MagellanTV…
From new platforms to improved speed and captions, the MagellanTV team has been hard at work improving the member experience and usability of our apps. Here’s what’s been…
At MagellanTV we love documentaries, but does the American public share our passion? To find out we asked 1,027 Americans men and women about their documentary consumption…
2018 is coming to a close. Before it ends, let’s remember some of the highlights. You watched a lot of documentaries, but which stood out from the rest? Here are the top 10 most…
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