The changing seasons on Earth are nature’s gift that keeps on giving. Not only do they enchant us, but life itself might depend upon their progress year in and year out. And what…
Human activities have only recently been considered catalysts of seismic activity. If humans are not careful, our methods of extracting natural resources and our growing…
Plastic recycling is a waste of energy, resources, and, especially, vision. For every pound of plastic that is successfully recycled, between 90 and 95 pounds of pernicious…
Forecasts for the 2024 hurricane season indicate that tropical cyclone activity is likely to be extraordinary during the coming months. What are the experts predicting? And what…
Volcanoes have shaped our planet for millions of years, sometimes creating habitable terrain where once there was only ocean. Iceland is such a place. Few nations have adapted…
Dive into the unpredictable oceanic phenomena known as rogue waves – their causes, their risks to maritime activities, and the ongoing research into them.
To survive in the unforgiving climate of the Sahara, animals and plants have undergone remarkable adaptations. Learn more about the unique adaptations of these desert species that…
The runaway burning of fossil fuels and other human activities are contributing substantially to increased global temperatures, resulting in rapid changes to weather patterns. The…
Endangered and threatened species face possible extinction. Leading the effort to save them is the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, which publishes the “Red…
We all know that Antarctica is a vast and frigid continent located in Earth’s southern polar region. It also happens to be our planet’s largest desert – and home to a surprising…
Polar bears are the apex predator of the Arctic. Seasonal temperature trends and climate change are pushing them to change their hunting ground, as their habitat is changing year…
Switching gears on global warming to a healthier state may seem overwhelming, given our current condition. However, agents of positive change are active across the globe, and…
The 1930s Dust Bowl was a Depression-era disaster resulting from both environmental and sociological circumstances. Dust storms decimated the livelihoods of American farmers and…
Volcanoes are immensely powerful and destructive forces of nature that have wiped out cities, altered the global climate, and left thousands of people dead or displaced in their…
The geysers of Yellowstone National Park are magnificent to behold, as millions of tourists can attest. Intriguingly, such powerful natural phenomena may have contribute to the…
The ongoing well-being of insects is being threatened by worldwide habitat destruction, deforestation, the introduction of large-scale monoculture agriculture, and other factors.…
The movements of tectonic plates hundreds of millions of years ago created the geography of Earth as we know it today. The landforms left behind by shifting land and glacial paths…
Invasive species degrade biodiversity, incur large economic costs, and threaten indigenous plants and animals with potential extinction. Literally thousands of such species have…
Worldwide, there’s been a significant shift away from ordinary tap water to bottled, even though many bottles are filled from the same sources as our taps. Learn how you can…
Modern storms are growing increasingly devastating, fueled by climate change. While some anti-storm measures already exist, the need for new solutions on larger scales is only…
The aurora has inspired countless myths and legends for thousands of years, but scientists only recently were able to prove how it actually forms. Let’s take a deep dive into the…
The story of life on Earth is one of triumph, but also loss. Going back in time we can examine five mass extinction events that changed evolution through destruction, killing off…
An astounding photograph and two ecological catastrophes combined with a classic book to inspire a crusading U.S. senator to institute what he called a “national teach-in.” Fifty…
What happened when an earthquake, a tsunami, and nuclear reactor meltdowns combined to devastate a populated region of Japan? Though lessons have been learned save lives in the…
The green cities movement can benefit cities’ economies, citizens’ health, and the world’s climate. Here’s an overview of the movement – its benefits, its complexities, the most…
Whales’ wellbeing has been threatened by centuries of human activity on the seas. Now people are finding a way to defend whale territory with sanctuaries and heritage sites. Is…
Rewilding – the process of taking dead or industrialized areas and reintroducing nature to them – has helped revitalize ecosystems across the globe. It can even help us tackle…
Aerial photography was a part of war for 150 years. But aerial photos have aided land use studies and transformed archeology. Now aerial cameras find ancient cities once lost in…
Before his untimely death, Takaya, a rare and curious sea wolf from British Columbia, captivated the imagination of many – and sparked old conflicts about conservation, Indigenous…
For at least the first 200 million years of its existence, the planet Venus thrived, not unlike its nearest neighbor, Earth. But then factors combined to destroy Venus’s chances…
Are we in the midst of a new “Space Race”? It certainly seems so from all the international activity in areas such as exploration, proposed industrialization, even militarization.…
Honeybees live strange, miraculous lives, flying hundreds of thousands of miles to produce a single pound of honey and playing vital roles in keeping humans alive. Let’s journey…
Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring sounded the warning that DDT was decimating critical insect populations. Today, habitat destruction, climate change, and new pesticides have…
The Overview Effect is the feeling of connection that astronauts experience when seeing the Earth from space. It also helped inspire the first Earth Day.
Climate change is impacting the basic systems of the planet. Shifts in temperatures and weather patterns around the globe are being set off by the rapid disappearance of polar sea…
Overpopulation is a root cause of climate change. Reducing the rate of population growth is crucial to the fight to bring global warming under control. However, governments are…
Coronavirus and climate change are different catastrophes, but plans like the Green New Deal could move the economy away from fossil fuels while also combatting COVID-19.
Arctic wolves, close relatives of the majestic grey wolf, inhabit territory so far north no trees grow, yet via natural selection they are ideally suited for such isolated…
Think you may have just felt an earthquake, or know for certain that you did? You’ll want quick information on the where and when of recent temblor activity. Here are some…
Volcanoes are among the most destructive natural forces on Earth. How are volcanoes formed, where are they located, and what damage can they wreak? What role do plate tectonics…
How did the Solar System form, and how did Earth become the only planet where life has developed? In a story perhaps best experienced through a documentary film, we see that a…
For Earth to foster life required many processes to happen in the right order and time. Had Earth formed elsewhere in our Solar System, it might not have been the beneficiary of…
Our planet’s long-term health depends on moderating natural and human-made processes that lead to global warming and habitat destruction. Deforestation in Africa and elsewhere…
America’s national parks are disproportionately vulnerable to the effects of climate change, and the political prominence of climate deniers isn’t helping. But the parks could…
NASA is planning a return to crewed missions and it’s starting out with a big bang – landing astronauts on the surface of the Moon by 2024. This effort is supported by an enhanced…
Cinder cone volcanoes are the smallest and simplest volcanoes, but they’re also among the most exciting. From sudden eruptions in farmers’ fields to cinder cones on Mars, these…
Shield volcanoes are distinct from other volcanoes due to their sheer massiveness and the unique manner in which they erupt: effusively, not explosively. Come on a vicarious ride…
Composite volcanoes, or stratovolcanoes, are the world’s most common and destructive types of volcanoes. When they erupt, they can change the world. Examples of this type include…
Lowering the birth rate may be the “magic bullet” for addressing current and future climate and population emergencies. But governments are not always in alignment with scientific…
Tsunamis are among the most destructive natural disasters on Earth. What are these enormous waves that roll in from the ocean? How do they form? Why do tsunamis cause so much…
Is the human population growing? Yes. Will overpopulation eventually threaten our species? Some leading experts say, “No.” There are many worries about overpopulation, but…
If you live in Florida, you probably already know from first-hand experience what I’m about to tell you. There are a lot of unusual fauna all across Florida, but the most…
Will space-age technology help save the largest fish on Earth – the whale shark? Despite their size, whale sharks are threatened by overfishing and the appalling practice of…
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