Madagascar was uninhabited by humans for 88 million years, giving natural selection free rein to create approximately 150,000 unique species that exist nowhere else on Earth.…
Many non-human animals exhibit fascinating behaviors and even striking hallmarks of intelligence. Sure, humans have accomplished a lot, but the rest of the animal kingdom can do…
Sir David Attenborough has spent his life revealing the wonders of nature to millions of television viewers. Now, he has embarked on an urgent mission to help ensure the survival…
Feathers, beaks, and small sizes are all significant adaptations some early dinosaurs developed that allowed those creatures to survive mass extinction events in Earth’s history.…
Docile and adorable, manatees move through shallow coastal waters and rivers in search of their favorite food – seagrass. Here’s why that essential source of sustenance is…
Since life first appeared on Earth billions of years ago, many species have disappeared into extinction, leaving only fossil traces. A few of them, though, have made a surprising…
First spotted in 1919, the wolf-coyote hybrid population has thrived. Its numbers are now thought to be in the millions. How did the coywolf come to be, and what makes it a…
In just a blink of evolutionary time, about 15,000 years ago, a species of wolf gradually weaned itself from a wolfpack to join the human family. What’s it like to raise one of…
We’ve long believed that wolves are ruthless, bloodthirsty beasts that fight to attain or maintain their ‘alpha’ status. Well, we were wrong – packs are more like families, and a…
To survive in the unforgiving climate of the Sahara, animals and plants have undergone remarkable adaptations. Learn more about the unique adaptations of these desert species that…
Endangered and threatened species face possible extinction. Leading the effort to save them is the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, which publishes the “Red…
To survive, many bird species migrate, flying off on epic journeys twice a year. Learn more about the migrations of birds and discover the answers to some of the most common…
Shark Week premieres Sunday, July 23. And what can we expect? Plenty of chills and suspense, for sure, along with celebrity sightings and incredible cinematography. There’ll also…
Recent reports indicate an uptick in instances of whales attacking boats. Given the complicated history between humans and wild cetaceans, this new bad behavior might reveal the…
Everybody loves nature – or at least the idea of it. But what, exactly, are we talking about when we talk about nature? Is it the great outdoors or even your local park? Perhaps…
Polar bears are the apex predator of the Arctic. Seasonal temperature trends and climate change are pushing them to change their hunting ground, as their habitat is changing year…
Lions are apex predators whose spot on the top of the food chain is unchallenged by any natural foe. From where lions live to how they play, these facts about lions describe the…
Switching gears on global warming to a healthier state may seem overwhelming, given our current condition. However, agents of positive change are active across the globe, and…
Owls have fascinated humans for thousands of years. Their rapt stare and haunting night calls have made this mysterious bird appear to people worldwide as both keepers of great…
Endangered species play a vital role in the intricate web of life on our planet. However, due to various destructive human activities, many species are moving ever closer to…
Pearls are among the most sought after gems in the world. As an global phenomenon, they have defined a fashion sensibility spanning centuries. The humble beginnings of pearls…
I started out making ponds for fish and ended up attracting a bunch of green frogs (Lithobates ranidae), which I collectively named Fred. I came to learn that green frogs require…
A dog will change your life. But finding your next best friend will be based on one of two very different philosophies. It’s highly important to research your dog’s backstory and…
The ongoing well-being of insects is being threatened by worldwide habitat destruction, deforestation, the introduction of large-scale monoculture agriculture, and other factors.…
The movements of tectonic plates hundreds of millions of years ago created the geography of Earth as we know it today. The landforms left behind by shifting land and glacial paths…
Invasive species degrade biodiversity, incur large economic costs, and threaten indigenous plants and animals with potential extinction. Literally thousands of such species have…
Take a step on the wild side and discover some of the coolest creatures you’ve never heard of. From Sparklemuffins to Jabiru storks, there are amazing and unbelievable animals all…
A huge victory for American conservation came after magazine reporters witnessed the 1894 arrest of a notorious buffalo hunter in Yellowstone Park. Promoted ever since as a lucky…
Protected since 1975, grizzly bears have gradually returned to the U.S. West. Shy animals, they are fierce guardians of their cubs and food supplies if people blunder into their…
The green cities movement can benefit cities’ economies, citizens’ health, and the world’s climate. Here’s an overview of the movement – its benefits, its complexities, the most…
Whales’ wellbeing has been threatened by centuries of human activity on the seas. Now people are finding a way to defend whale territory with sanctuaries and heritage sites. Is…
Wolves were hunted to near extinction across the U.S., leading to ecological disaster. The 1995 release of wolves in Yellowstone Park led to an unexpected revival of animal and…
In the United States and elsewhere, chicken is the most popular meat. There are billions of chickens all around the world. Let’s dig in for a delightful – and delectable – ride…
Rewilding – the process of taking dead or industrialized areas and reintroducing nature to them – has helped revitalize ecosystems across the globe. It can even help us tackle…
Recent attacks on boats by orcas recall 19th century encounters where furious sperm whales rammed and sank two whaling ships. In our closely studied natural world, can we still…
Before his untimely death, Takaya, a rare and curious sea wolf from British Columbia, captivated the imagination of many – and sparked old conflicts about conservation, Indigenous…
American bison are staging a remarkable comeback in national parks and on Native American reservations. But opposition to buffalo on public land is voiced by ranching interests…
Honeybees live strange, miraculous lives, flying hundreds of thousands of miles to produce a single pound of honey and playing vital roles in keeping humans alive. Let’s journey…
The world of mushrooms and fungi is more complex than most of us know. Fungal networks help plants communicate, heal human diseases, and can fight climate change and environmental…
What are tornadoes, and do they only occur in North America? Let’s look at how and where twisters form, how powerful they can become, and why “Tornado Alley” is where the action…
People around the world are concerned about the new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, first identified in Wuhan, China. But this is not the first coronavirus in humans, nor is it the most…
Arctic wolves, close relatives of the majestic grey wolf, inhabit territory so far north no trees grow, yet via natural selection they are ideally suited for such isolated…
Volcanoes are among the most destructive natural forces on Earth. How are volcanoes formed, where are they located, and what damage can they wreak? What role do plate tectonics…
America’s national parks are disproportionately vulnerable to the effects of climate change, and the political prominence of climate deniers isn’t helping. But the parks could…
Cinder cone volcanoes are the smallest and simplest volcanoes, but they’re also among the most exciting. From sudden eruptions in farmers’ fields to cinder cones on Mars, these…
Narwhals, often referred to as the “unicorns of the sea,” are a strange, single-tusked species of whale. Despite being thought of as mythical or magical, these Arctic natives have…
Shield volcanoes are distinct from other volcanoes due to their sheer massiveness and the unique manner in which they erupt: effusively, not explosively. Come on a vicarious ride…
Composite volcanoes, or stratovolcanoes, are the world’s most common and destructive types of volcanoes. When they erupt, they can change the world. Examples of this type include…
New scientific discoveries unlock the secrets of hummingbird behavior and shine a light on how hummingbirds migrate, how and where they evolved, and how they stay aloft. The use…
Researchers into plant life are continually discovering amazing facts concerning plant adaptations and their ability to “sense” their surroundings. However, some botanists resist…
Tsunamis are among the most destructive natural disasters on Earth. What are these enormous waves that roll in from the ocean? How do they form? Why do tsunamis cause so much…
Certain animals evoke revulsion and fear in billions of people, from Sakhalin Island to Timbuktu, Sydney to Sarasota. What fierce creatures would you least like to encounter up…
If you live in Florida, you probably already know from first-hand experience what I’m about to tell you. There are a lot of unusual fauna all across Florida, but the most…
Conservationists are alarmed by masses of floating plastic garbage that endanger our oceans, including one they have dubbed the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch.” Finding new…
Will space-age technology help save the largest fish on Earth – the whale shark? Despite their size, whale sharks are threatened by overfishing and the appalling practice of…
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