The long, complex story of chocolate involves colonization, slavery, and industrialization, not to mention that it is one of the most delectable treats on Earth.
Is there anything more thrilling to your tongue – and widely available – than chocolate? Whether it’s a humble mass-market bar unwrapped by excited children, a steaming cup of rich cocoa on a cold night, or a bespoke chocolate truffle with special luxury for an adult palate, chocolate is more than just a treat – it’s an obsession worldwide. Let’s go behind every decadent chocolate morsel to uncover an extraordinary journey that spans centuries as well as continents, from the sacred rituals of the Maya to today’s many cacao-growing regions.
The story of chocolate begins deep in the rainforests of Mesoamerica, where the ancient Maya and Aztecs revered the cacao bean as a divine gift. They transformed it into a bitter, spiced beverage, believed to offer strength and wisdom. But when European explorers encountered cacao in 1521, they unknowingly set off a chain of events that would turn chocolate into one of the most sought-after commodities in the world. Over time, advances in cultivation, processing, and technology transformed this once-rare treasure into the sweet, milk-infused confection – and its dark, bitter counterpart – that we enjoy today.
For all its modern availability, chocolate remains deeply tied to its far-flung origins. From the delicate, minuscule flowers of the cacao tree in tropical regions to the hands of skilled farmers who harvest the beans, each step in the process is a testament to the long and complex journey that brings chocolate to our taste buds. Let’s explore that journey, following the remarkable transformation of cacao beans into cocoa powder, and into the chocolate we love.
Join a couple of jokesters as they incredulously promote chocolate as a weight-loss miracle. It’s a sham to expose how quickly misinformation can fill up our newsfeeds in The Chocolate Diet.
The Ancient, Pre-Columbian History of Cacao
Long before chocolate became a global indulgence, the cacao tree (Theobroma cacao) flourished in the rainforests of Mesoamerica, where it was revered by ancient civilizations. The Maya and the Aztecs, among the earliest cultures to cultivate and use cacao, considered it a present from the gods, deeply woven into their spiritual, economic, and social lives. More than just food, it was a sacred element used in rituals, mythology, and even as currency.
Theobroma, the scientific name for the tree and its tasty fruit, is Greek for “drink of the gods.”
The Maya, who cultivated cacao extensively in the earliest years of their civilization, around 1500 BCE, incorporated it into both daily life and religious ceremonies. They prepared kakaw, a frothy, spiced beverage made from ground cacao beans mixed with water and chili that was prized for its energy-giving properties and association with the gods. In Mayan mythology, cacao was linked to creation stories and the underworld, and it was often buried with the dead as a symbol of sustenance in the afterlife.
Aztec stone carving of a man carrying a cacao pod, c. 1440–1521 CE (Source: Brooklyn Museum, via Wikimedia Commons)
For the Aztecs, whose empire flourished from approximately 1325 to 1521 CE, cacao was even more valuable. It served as both a sacred drink and a form of currency. Since cacao trees did not grow in their highland capital of Tenochtitlán, they acquired beans through tribute and trade. A single cacao bean could be exchanged for a tamale, while larger amounts could buy more significant goods.
Similar to the Maya, the Aztec elite, including warriors and priests, drank xocoatl, with the same ingredients and flavor profile of the earlier civilization’s beverage. Emperor Montezuma II reportedly consumed vast amounts daily, considering it an aphrodisiac and a source of divine energy.
Beyond its economic and social importance, cacao played a key role in Aztec religious rituals. It was often offered to the gods, especially Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent deity believed to have gifted cacao to humanity. Priests sometimes included cacao in sacrificial ceremonies, anointing sacred objects, or offering the drink to those about to be ritually killed. By the time Spanish conquistadors arrived in the early 16th century, it had become a powerful and indispensable element of Mesoamerican civilization – one soon to be discovered, adapted, and transformed by the wider world.
Cacao tree with growing seed pods (Credit: NasserHalaweh, via Wikimedia Commons)
The Spanish Encounter Cacao – and the World Changes Forever
Europeans, unfamiliar with the significance of the cacao tree and its beans, initially found the dark, spiced xocoatl unappealing – its bitter, frothy nature was far from the rich confections we associate with chocolate today. However, they quickly recognized cacao’s value to the Aztecs. In 1521, when Spain claimed authority over the Indigenous people of Mesoamerica, cacao’s journey beyond its native lands began, marking the beginning of its transformation from a sacred staple to a globally sought-after commodity.
Spanish conquistadors and missionaries likely introduced it to the Spanish court soon after they discovered it. Though its initial reception was mixed, the beverage gained favor once it was modified to suit European palates. Instead of the traditional Mesoamerican preparation with chili and spices, Spaniards began sweetening cacao with cane sugar, cinnamon, and vanilla. This adaptation – called cocoa in its powder form and chocolate in its final manifestation – sparked a growing demand for the exotic drink, and cocoa quickly became a luxury item among the Spanish aristocracy.
For much of the 16th and 17th centuries, Spain kept its knowledge of cacao largely secret, maintaining a near monopoly on its importation. However, as European exploration and colonization expanded, cacao cultivation expanded around the globe to other equatorial regions controlled by colonizers.
Enjoyment of the liquid refresher, hot cocoa, also spread through Europe. By the 17th century, the drink had reached Italy, France, and England, where it became a fashionable beverage in royal courts and elite circles. In 1657, London saw the opening of its first “chocolate house,” an establishment akin to the popular coffeehouses of the time, where the wealthy could gather to enjoy hot chocolate while discussing politics and philosophy.
This traditional Belgian cake makes good use of several forms of chocolate. (Credit: Trougnouf, via Wikimedia Commons)
As demand for cocoa grew, European powers began establishing large-scale cacao plantations in their colonies, particularly in the Caribbean, South America, and other equatorial regions. These plantations were worked by slaves, brought from Africa as part of the transatlantic trade in human capital. Later, in an interesting twist, cultivation even spread to Africa. The shift from Mesoamerican cultivation to European-controlled plantation systems drastically altered the production of cocoa, turning it into a large-scale enterprise that fueled the economies of colonial empires.
By the 18th century, cocoa was no longer an exclusive luxury of the aristocracy; it had begun to trickle down to households in the European working classes. The Industrial Revolution in the 19th century further revolutionized chocolate production, introducing mechanized grinding and refining processes that allowed for mass production. Innovations such as the hydraulic press, invented by Dutch chemist Coenraad Van Houten in 1828, enabled the extraction of cocoa butter from cacao solids, leading to the creation of the first modern chocolate bars. This breakthrough transformed cocoa powder from a drink into the solid form of chocolate we know today.
Chocolate in Contemporary Times – Sweets For All!
The 19th and early 20th centuries saw the rise of famous European chocolatiers who further refined and sweetened cocoa, making it more accessible to the general public. Swiss innovators Daniel Peter and Henri Nestlé pioneered milk chocolate in the 1870s by incorporating condensed milk, while Rodolphe Lindt’s “conching” process improved the smoothness and texture of chocolate. These developments turned chocolate into a mass-market product, leading to the creation of brands that still dominate the industry today.
Enter the world of high-quality, specialty chocolate purveyors in this delightful 10-part series focused on Brighton, England, cake shop Choccywoccydoodah.
By the early 20th century, chocolate had transformed into an industrialized, widely consumed treat. It became a staple in households worldwide, marketed as a source of comfort, luxury, and even nutrition. While its production methods had changed dramatically – often at the cost of exploitation and environmental concerns – its cultural significance remained as strong as ever.
Milton Hershey, nicknamed “the Henry Ford of chocolate,” used “Yankee ingenuity” to industrialize U.S. chocolate production. In 1900, he priced his namesake Hershey Bar at five cents to reach consumers of all economic strata and ages.
The introduction of cocoa to Europe marked one of the continent’s most significant shifts. Shaped by colonialism, technological advancements, and evolving consumer tastes, chocolate is now one of the most beloved confections worldwide. However, its story continues to evolve as, more recently, modern consumers have demanded more ethical and sustainable practices in cacao production.
Chocolate Production – A Global Industry
Today, millions of small-scale farmers cultivate cacao trees in tropical regions. Despite technological advancements, the process of growing, harvesting, fermenting, drying, and processing cacao remains largely manual and labor-intensive. The majority of the world’s supply comes from West Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia, with Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, and Indonesia leading global production.
Cacao beans are harvested from pods that grow on the cacao tree. (Credit: Yai, via Adobe Stock)
Cacao trees thrive in warm, humid environments near the equator, requiring consistent rainfall and shade. Farmers tend to the trees, which take several years to mature before producing fruit. The cacao pods, which grow directly on the trunk and branches, contain 30 to 50 beans encased in a sweet, pulpy interior.
Workers harvesting cacao cut ripe pods from the trees using machetes, taking care not to damage the delicate branches. Once collected, the pods are split open by hand, and the beans and surrounding pulp are extracted. This marks the beginning of the crucial fermentation process, which greatly influences the quality and flavor of the final chocolate product. Over several days, the beans’ sugars break down, generating heat and enhancing the characteristic chocolate flavors. Proper fermentation, lasting between five and seven days, is essential for producing high-quality cocoa.
The transformation of cocoa beans into tasty chocolate is an arduous, multi-step process. (Credit: kaiskynet, via Adobe Stock Photos)
Following fermentation, the beans are spread out under the sun to dry, a process that can take up to two weeks. Sun-drying helps preserve the beans’ natural flavors. Then, the beans are bagged and shipped to processing facilities where they undergo roasting. The outer shells are removed, leaving behind the cocoa nibs, which are ground into a thick paste known as chocolate liquor. This paste serves as the base for various chocolate products, from cocoa powder and butter to sweetened confections.
Today and Tomorrow, Fair-Trade and Sustainable Cocoa and Chocolate
From its sacred origins in Mesoamerica to its transformation into a global industry, cocoa has traveled a long journey. What was once a divine beverage reserved for Maya and Aztec elites has become one of the most beloved and widely consumed products in the world.
As chocolate fans become more conscious of where their product comes from, there is an increasing push for responsible sourcing, fair wages for farmers, and environmentally friendly farming practices. Many companies and organizations are working to address these issues; the future of cocoa depends on sustainability. While chocolate may be a simple pleasure for many, its story is one of resilience, adaptation, and transformation – a story that continues to unfold with each delectable bite.
Kevin Martin is Senior Writer and Associate Editor for MagellanTV. A journalist and communications specialist for many years, he writes on various topics, including Art and Culture, Current History, and Space and Astronomy. He is the co-editor of My Body Is Paper: Stories and Poems by Gil Cuadros (City Lights) and resides in Glendale, California.
Title Image: Box of fine mixed chocolates (Credit: Mariusz Blach, via Adobe Stock)