These unsolved U.K. mysteries include a vanished real estate agent, a teen boy whose bike ride veered tragically off course, and the death of a Yorkshire coal miner – who some…
The Tylenol Murders of 1982 terrified a nation and forever changed the way we consume medications and other products. But will justice ever be served for the victims and their…
Agatha Christie often drew inspiration from real-life criminal cases when writing her popular mystery novels. One example was the infamous Lindbergh kidnapping case in the 1930s.
Munchausen by proxy is a condition in which a caregiver fabricates a dependent’s illness, as in the Gypsy Rose Blanchard case. What causes it and why does it often go undetected?
Most missing persons cases are eventually solved. But what happens when a disappearance leaves more questions than answers? Can loved ones ever truly experience “closure”?
Forensic genetic genealogy led to the conviction of the Golden State Killer in 2020. Since then, hundreds of other cases have been cracked using the same method. But is it always…
In 1924, two affluent young men kidnapped and murdered a 14-year-old child. The crime shocked the nation and led to what many considered to be the trial of the century. The case…
True crime is an extremely popular genre, and the majority of its fans are women. Why are women drawn to stories about serial killers and psychopaths? The answer lies at the…
From the sleepwalking defense to ‘affluenza,’ the modern criminal justice system is filled with examples of highly unusual defense strategies. Let’s take a look at a few…
The Slender Man game takes place in a virtual world of darkly forbidding, spooky places. For most gamers, it’s just entertainment, but a few less stable players can’t sort reality…
Despite starting his reign of terror decades ago, Pedro López remains one of the most infamous and reviled serial killers of our time, and in all of history. He murdered over 300…
The allure of true crime is undeniable, but some stories focus less on the victims and more on the perpetrators themselves. Are true crime aficionados contributing to the…
Urban legend or portal to another world? The Elevator Game purports to blur the lines of reality for players, if they follow the rules and don’t make a potentially fatal mistake.…
Many women have a harmless fascination with true crime, but there’s another category of individuals who develop sexual fixations on criminals themselves. There’s a name for it:…
We like to believe that doctors, nurses, and caregivers are trustworthy and have our best interests at heart. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Here are four who…
Crime fiction author Agatha Christie was a lifelong follower of true crime. Her novels often reflected cases from the day’s headlines. With the founding of a group for mystery…
We all want justice. We want crimes to be solved. We want the right person held responsible. Why is this important to us? Two theories of justice help us to understand why, where…
The Dark Web is a part of the Deep Web that allows users to be totally anonymous. It’s known for being a locus of illicit activities, and is also at the center of an ethical…
Familicide is the act of killing family members, including children. Filicide is the act of a parent killing their child. One is more often committed by men, the other, women. So,…
Jack the Ripper’s victims were the first to be photographed by police. Soon after, forensic methods documenting crime scenes became commonplace. Today these grim documents of…
Whether it’s a whodunnit story, a bank heist, or an unsolved problem of science, we love a good mystery. But why are mysteries so endlessly fascinating? Because they tease our…
We all love horror movies and true crime videos, but what if the killer on the screen is closer than you know? Being able to identify the terrifying traits and disorders that…
With $304 million lost due to dating scams in 2020, it’s increasingly common to be fooled by fraud on the Internet. Due to a large number of “catfish” on the Web, it’s important…
Once established in the United States, Sicilian gangs thrived thanks to Prohibition. The money that flowed through the 20th century Mafia led to wars for control in both Italy and…
The Mafia has terrorized Sicily for centuries. By 1900, immigrant mafiosi had the attention of New York City law enforcement. But the Palermo killing of a heroic police detective…
Nerds may be introspective but that doesn’t mean they won’t make daring thieves. Black hat hackers use their computer knowledge to steal credit card numbers. Surprisingly they…
Los Angeles is known for many things: sun, sand, movie stars – and grisly murders? Yes, those too. Join the time-traveling bus tour for a glimpse of crimes that defined their…
The psychopath has been an archetype throughout cinematic history, evolving over time along with our perceptions of mental health. By evaluating these characters, we can get an…
Are women less likely to be psychopaths and criminals, or have biases in both medical and social realms skewed the numbers? Current research suggests past beliefs are wrong. Women…
The Black Market is known as the go-to spot for all things illegal and dark. In some cases, though, downright unusual goods end up joining the stock. See what else is lurking in…
Serial killers have always been a subject of both curiosity and fear. Though motives of serial killers are as various as their grisly crimes, we can begin to understand the inner…
We love Halloween at MagellanTV! That’s why we’ve compiled a playlist of spooky documentaries to stream, just in time for the season. Ghosts, monsters, witches, and more – we’ve…
From Jack the Ripper to the Zodiac Killer, from Black Dahlia to JonBenét Ramsey, Americans are fascinated by unsolved murders that are the subjects of dozens of films and…
Ted Bundy is one of history’s most notorious serial killers, and fascination surrounds him. But what made him become a killer? We’ll take a look at the details of his childhood…
Effects of cyberbullying are pernicious, serious, and long-lasting. Half of all teens with Internet access report to researchers that they’ve been cyberbullied, but 90 percent of…
Black markets have been created across the world for illegal organ transplants. Mostly in severely poor, developing nations with incompetent or corrupt oversight, this trade is…
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