Filmstar Fish
Released in 2002, the Academy Award-winning “Finding Nemo” was a financial blockbuster, the all-time best-selling DVD, and the highest-grossing G-rated movie ever. Ironically, the movie's message of conservation has been swamped. Now everyone wants their own Nemo, with soaring demand driving a hugely profitable tropical fish industry. Today, it's not so much a case of finding Nemo as saving him.
Released in 2002, the Academy Award-winning “Finding Nemo” was a financial blockbuster, the all-time best-selling DVD, and the highest-grossing G-rated movie ever. Ironically, the movie's message of conservation has been swamped. Now everyone wants their own Nemo, with soaring demand driving a hugely profitable tropical fish industry. Today, it's not so much a case of finding Nemo as saving him.
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