Solar Odyssey
Will we one day be able to get closer to the Sun, a star whose coolest zone is around 3,500°C (over 6,300°F), and whose heart is burning at more than 15 million degrees? Let's hop aboard two space missions that will try to get closer to the Sun than ever before: Parker Solar Probe and the Solar Orbiter. How did these daunting missions come to see the light of day? And what can they teach us?
Will we one day be able to get closer to the Sun, a star whose coolest zone is around 3,500°C (over 6,300°F), and whose heart is burning at more than 15 million degrees? Let's hop aboard two space missions that will try to get closer to the Sun than ever before: Parker Solar Probe and the Solar Orbiter. How did these daunting missions come to see the light of day? And what can they teach us?
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