Return of the White Rhino
Return of the White Rhino
Stephen and Mark track down the Northern Rhino only to find that it is declared extinct in the wild while they are held up at the border by a refugee crisis. The only viable breeding Northern Rhinos in the world are in a zoo in the Czech Republic. There are five of them left on the planet. But they have never bred successfully. The zoo has agreed that all five animals should be immediately returned to Kenya in the hope that returning home will induce them to breed. If it doesn't, then they will be fertilized artificially. The hope is that these five will save their entire species from extinction.
Stephen and Mark track down the Northern Rhino only to find that it is declared extinct in the wild while they are held up at the border by a refugee crisis. The only viable breeding Northern Rhinos in the world are in a zoo in the Czech Republic. There are five of them left on the planet. But they have never bred successfully. The zoo has agreed that all five animals should be immediately returned to Kenya in the hope that returning home will induce them to breed. If it doesn't, then they will be fertilized artificially. The hope is that these five will save their entire species from extinction.
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