Bacteria Killers
A century ago, Félix d'Herelle unveiled the bacteriophage, a virus that targets and destroys bacteria. With antibiotics losing their effectiveness against resistant bacteria, phage therapy could hold the promise of tomorrow. From the Ganges to the Black Sea, Paris to the United States, trace the discovery of bacteriophages. As antibiotics face challenges, phages regain attention and are tested in global clinical trials, captivating scientists. Phage research also delves into synthetic biology's role in the fight against microbes, exploring how phages impact the climate, hidden in the depths of our oceans.
A century ago, Félix d'Herelle unveiled the bacteriophage, a virus that targets and destroys bacteria. With antibiotics losing their effectiveness against resistant bacteria, phage therapy could hold the promise of tomorrow. From the Ganges to the Black Sea, Paris to the United States, trace the discovery of bacteriophages. As antibiotics face challenges, phages regain attention and are tested in global clinical trials, captivating scientists. Phage research also delves into synthetic biology's role in the fight against microbes, exploring how phages impact the climate, hidden in the depths of our oceans.
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