The Evolution of Us
This epic science special explores how genetics have underpinned the whole of human evolution, from our rise from a class of primates on the African plain to our spread across Earth. It asks how genetics could play an even greater role in determining where evolution will take us next. Location filming combined with state-of-the-art computer visualizations tells the amazing story of the human race. This epic science special explores how genetics have underpinned the whole of human evolution, from our rise from a class of primates on the African plain to our spread across Earth. It asks how genetics could play an even greater role in…
This epic science special explores how genetics have underpinned the whole of human evolution, from our rise from a class of primates on the African plain to our spread across Earth. It asks how genetics could play an even greater role in determining where evolution will take us next. Location filming combined with state-of-the-art computer visualizations tells the amazing story of the human race. This epic science special explores how genetics have underpinned the whole of human evolution, from our rise from a class of primates on the African plain to our spread across Earth. It asks how genetics could play an even greater role in determining where evolution will take us next. Location filming combined with state-of-the-art computer visualizations tells the amazing story of the human race.
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