Funny Side of Science
How do roller coaster rides affect the treatment of asthma? Do we swim faster in water or syrup? Hundreds of similar research subjects have won awards at the now-famous “Ig Nobel” ceremony, the satirical equivalent of the Nobel awards. But the craziest questions can have useful applications or even lead to genuine progress in fundamental science. This film brings together the finest discoveries of the Ig Nobel Prizes, with the aim to reveal the genuine advances in science behind projects that have deceptively ludicrous titles.
How do roller coaster rides affect the treatment of asthma? Do we swim faster in water or syrup? Hundreds of similar research subjects have won awards at the now-famous “Ig Nobel” ceremony, the satirical equivalent of the Nobel awards. But the craziest questions can have useful applications or even lead to genuine progress in fundamental science. This film brings together the finest discoveries of the Ig Nobel Prizes, with the aim to reveal the genuine advances in science behind projects that have deceptively ludicrous titles.
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