Empire Builders: Inca
The mighty Inca Empire and its awesome accomplishments are the subjects of this episode of Empire Builders. We look at the construction of the Incas' great buildings at Sacsayhuaman in Cusco and Machu Picchu. We also examine the beliefs of the Inca, the divine power of their Emperor, how they were defeated by the Spanish, and what they have left behind since their defeat 500 years ago.
The mighty Inca Empire and its awesome accomplishments are the subjects of this episode of Empire Builders. We look at the construction of the Incas' great buildings at Sacsayhuaman in Cusco and Machu Picchu. We also examine the beliefs of the Inca, the divine power of their Emperor, how they were defeated by the Spanish, and what they have left behind since their defeat 500 years ago.
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