A Crime of Hate: Funeka's Story
This is the story of an extraordinary black lesbian activist named Funeka Soldaat. Through her, we are able to get to the heart of a chilling phenomenon known as "corrective" or "curative" rape that is sweeping across South Africa. Funeka survived such an attack by a group of five men. As a result of her horrific experiences, she started an organization called Free Gender. She lives and works in the sprawling township of Khayelitsha on the outskirts of Cape Town where being openly lesbian is dangerous and even deadly.
This is the story of an extraordinary black lesbian activist named Funeka Soldaat. Through her, we are able to get to the heart of a chilling phenomenon known as "corrective" or "curative" rape that is sweeping across South Africa. Funeka survived such an attack by a group of five men. As a result of her horrific experiences, she started an organization called Free Gender. She lives and works in the sprawling township of Khayelitsha on the outskirts of Cape Town where being openly lesbian is dangerous and even deadly.
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