The Aces' War
August 1914. One month after the outbreak of World War I, Paris is bombarded by German airplanes. In this spectacle, Parisians witness a whole new type of warfare. Aviators, known as inventors and daredevils, were now at the center of a new age. In this fascinating series, five pilots from France, Germany, and Britain take us into the world of the greatest "flying aces" of the First World War.
August 1914. One month after the outbreak of World War I, Paris is bombarded by German airplanes. In this spectacle, Parisians witness a whole new type of warfare. Aviators, known as inventors and daredevils, were now at the center of a new age. In this fascinating series, five pilots from France, Germany, and Britain take us into the world of the greatest "flying aces" of the First World War.
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